Did anyone have an issue with google chrome not responding
Did anyone have an issue with google chrome not responding

If you think you found a bug, please report it at crbug. If you see a spammer, troll, or shill commenter, please use the report option and/or message the mods. Posting tip: check the new queue for your submission after posting. Posting the same links multiple times, or posting them as comments on posts that have nothing to do with your extension is considered spamming, and you will be banned for such actions. We welcome you to post links to any Chrome extensions that you have created, within reason. If you are unable to abide by this simple request, or if your only submissions are to the same sites over and over, or to your personal site(s), you will be banned. Post directly to the original article or source whenever possible. GetHuman6913140 did not yet indicate what Google Chrome should do to make this right. Please don't link to blogspam, meaning blogs or websites that are simply re-hosting articles/information ripped off from other sites. Also, such requests should only be done as self-posts. If you're looking for help with a specific issue, please include your info from about:version (click the triple-bar button-> "About Google Chrome") and what OS you're using. If you're posting a request for help with Chrome, please use this tag at the beginning of your post title. Clean up the browsing data, cookies, temp files or run a virus scan. We have a zero tolerance policy toward spammers and trolls. Please follow reddiquette and the Golden Rule. Some things to consider before posting or commenting: But its not always sunshine and rainbows.

#Did anyone have an issue with google chrome not responding how to

Post links, ask questions, find solutions, and discuss Chrome-related subjects. 4 common issues with Google Home and how to fix them Google Home is a great way to add voice control to the Chromecast devices scattered around your house. The 2012 /r/Chrome Survey Results (by /r/SampleSize) are in!Īll about developments relating to the Google Chrome and Chromium web browsers, Chrome apps and extensions, ChromeOS, and Chromebooks.

Did anyone have an issue with google chrome not responding